Top 10 Deadliest Insects In The World

Mosquitoes - They are responsible for the deaths of around 725,000 people each year due to diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus.
Tsetse fly - They transmit a potentially fatal disease called African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness.
Sandfly - Responsible for transmitting leishmaniasis, a disease that can be debilitating and often fatal if left untreated.
Africanized honey bee (aka Killer bee) - Their highly aggressive behavior can lead to severe allergic reactions and even death.
Kissing bug - Transmits a potentially fatal disease called Chagas disease.
Triatomine bug - They transmit Chagas disease, which can result in heart damage and organ failure.
Brown recluse spider - Their bites can cause severe tissue damage and lead to death if left untreated.
Black widow spider - Their venom can cause severe muscle pain and spasms, paralysis, and even death in some cases.
Yellow jacket - They are highly aggressive and their stings can cause allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock.
Paper wasp - Their stings can cause severe pain and allergic reactions.
Bullet ant - Considered the most painful insect sting in the world, stings can lead to paralysis and even death in rare cases.

Japanese hornet - One of the largest hornets in the world, their venom can cause severe pain and even organ failure, leading to death.

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